Field Trip Day!

Last week a few of my Chadbourne colleagues and I took a day to visit some local museums in Cambridge.

Nothing I haven’t already covered here on TED, but it’s always nice to see old friends. First stop: the Harvard Museum of Natural History/Peabody Museum of Archeology & Ethnology. They had a new, small but interesting exhibit, Headgear: The Natural History of Horns and Antlers (left and center, below) and they seem to be continuing the renovation work begun in the Great Mammal Hall. I peeked behind a drawn curtain to see what the deal was, but was stopped by this guy on the right:

I’ve written in the past about the HMNH, but I can’t resist adding a few more photos here. Slowly but surely the museums seem to be getting cleaner and brighter.

We then made our way over to the Harvard Art Museums, currently housed in the Sackler Museum, and previously seen on The Exhibit Designer, here.

We ended the day at the MIT Museum where, because of our tired feet and the heat of the day, we plunked down on a bench and became entirely engrossed in a video of Alan Alda swimming with a robotic tuna. (No really, I’m not kidding about the tuna. The video is from the episode “Natural Born Robots” of the PBS show Scientific American Frontiers.) Previous MIT Museum coverage here.

Post updated in January 2021 with minor text edits. Broken links have been fixed. This post was originally published at on 30 September 2010.